Friday, August 04, 2006

According to its website, Holy Cross Associates is a post-graduate service program which offers participants an opportunity to integrate their Christian faith through service, community living, spirituality, and simple living. Sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross since 1978, HCA has opportunities for both one year domestic and two year international service placements.

"The mission of Holy Cross Associates is to engage lay people to grow in the life of Christ through Christian service, spirituality, simple living and community. Founded by the Congregation of the Holy Cross, the Holy Cross Associates is designed to carry out the mission of the Gospel as expressed in the teach example of Christ and in the social teachings of the Catholic Church. By forming post-collegiate lay people in the practice of Christian discipleship, this program serves as a vital part of the life and work of Holy Cross, and thus as leaven in the Church and in the world" - Holy Cross Associates Board, Revised 2003

Associates usually live in households of 5-7 persons committed to the on-going process of building community. To share one's life and concerns with others; to respond to another's needs; to be willing to deal with issues which arise among the house; to be responsive to the challenges of living together and holding a house in common (cooking, cleaning, meetings, etc.); these are marks of how you are to live as an Associate. In addition Associates seek to build community with their neighbors and local communities. At each site the Associates are strongly supported by their local Holy Cross parishes, universities, and ordained religious.

Community life tends to bring one in touch with the real demands and rewards of the life-long process of trying to learn to love others in concrete, everyday ways. In our society where an ethos of excessive individualism predominates, the choice to live in community involves both risk and sacrifice. Living in community with others reveals to us who we are, in our strengths and in our weaknesses.

The experience of living in community is an integral part of the Chile program. Currently, the Santiago household consists of three members and the Pocuro four. They seek to build bonds between themselves that are indications of support, challenge, companionship, healing, honest struggle and sharing life at a deep level with each other. Since a new group of Associates joins those entering their second year each December, there is overlap in community membership. Each year the new and "veteran" Associates commit themselves to re-forming community. While many Associates have found the experience of building community with each other to be tremendously challenging, most would also agree that the process has been deeply rewarding.

Associates to put their faith into action and serve the needs of others. The program focuses particularly on ministry with persons who are poor and marginalized. Associates work in placements that empower the poor to begin to help themselves. While the Associates are called upon to serve the needs of the poor in a variety of ways, often it is the Associates who are "served" by the persons with whom they work. I

Reflection on service in the light of their faith and gospel commitment is an important part of the HCA experience. Associates often reflect together on the underlying causes of poverty and social injustice and the gospel call to respond. Though not usually working in Church affiliated placements, they are challenged to view their work in terms of ministry and their own spiritual journey, rather than as "just a job."

Simple Living
The Gospels present a universal call to service of others, but especially to a "preferential option for the poor." In recent years the Church has re-emphasized this commitment in word and action. Associates grapple with trying to understand structural causes of poverty and injustice, working directly with persons who are poor, economically, or otherwise as well as with persons suffering physical and societal hardships.

Living simply makes Associates question their tendencies toward consumerism and its effects upon ourselves and others. It also requires participation in the group decision-making process, both individually and communally, as reflection focuses not only on how money is spent but also on how choices reflect a commitment to the poor.

The Associates in Chile live in areas where they are surrounded by persons living at poverty level. This immersion facilitates a process of reflection on what it means to live a preferential option for the poor. A sufficient budget is provided for the Associates to share funds for essential needs. Each receives a monthly personal stipend. While in the Program, Associates rely on finances provided for them by the Program, rather than on personal monies.

The Holy Cross Associates experience is an opportunity to explore God's action in one's life. Faith, often, is the foundation that Associates rely upon throughout their year. Associates devote both personal and community time to strengthen their relationships with God, understanding that they must seek to know Christ themselves in order to be Christ for others in their service placements and in their communities. As a result, Associates develop a greater consciousness of God's presence in the people that surround them. A willingness to share questions, insights, and reflections about faith is at the heart of Associate living, and each household meets regularly in some expression of group prayer and reflection.

It's expected that some Associates will have questions and struggles with their faith, but the HCA program presupposes a basic involvement in the Church and commitment to explore individually and with others the spiritual dimension of one's life. Associates are encouraged to have a spiritual director/mentor, someone with whom they openly and regularly share your questions, fears, hopes, and faith issues. The Co-Facilitators of the local community will assist in the process of locating a qualified, experienced person for the Associate.

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